2023-2024 School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic year.

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-A-Glance

  • Shrevewood Elementary School
  • 2023-2024
  • Region 5
  • Joshua DeSmyter, Principal.

English Language Arts 

Goal: By June 2024, the percentage of all students demonstrating within-year growth in reading as measured by the iReady assessment will increase by at least 5 percentage points.

Strategy 1

Improve use of interactive read alouds for building knowledge and vocabulary through texts that affirm students' lived experiences.

Strategy 2

Improve daily, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and morphology in the core language arts block.

Strategy 3

Expand use of independent practice with a variety of texts (e.g., decodable, nonfiction, fiction) and meaningful tasks (e.g., Lexia, writing about reading).


Goal: By June 2024, the percentage of all students (grades 3-6) who meet the criteria for the metric, Annual Pass Rate, will increase by at least 5 percentage points as measured by the Math SOL assessment.

Strategy 1

Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 2

Increase students' self-efficacy around the ability to be successful in mathematics.

Strategy 3

Use conversation structures to increase academic talk between students.

Portrait of a Graduate (POG)

Goal: 100% of students will demonstrate their growth by participating in two POL experiences focusing on one selected POG skill and attribute by the end of 2nd & 3rd quarters.

Strategy 1

Teachers will plan for and facilitate concept-based instruction and AAP Curriculur Resources that elevate student voice and increase student engagement.

Strategy 2

The school will create structures that provide students the opportunity to collect evidence of learning in a portfolio and share their POG growth in classrooms.

Strategy 3

All students will practice & prepare for their POG POLs.