Shrevewood Wise Words 3/6/25
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🌟Principal’s Message
🌟SCA Food Drive
🌟Give Your Kids a Strong Start: Apply for Early Childhood Education Programs
🌟Purchase Purple Up! Day Gear
🌟2025 Family Summit
🌟Religious Accommodation Request
🌟Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28
🌟K-12 Mathematics Basal Public Review
🌟Middle School Transition Fair for Elementary and Middle School Students in Special Education
🌟SWES Kindergarten Orientation
🌟Kindergarten Registration: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3…
🌟Magnet School Application and Lottery Information
🌟Techstravaganza 2025
🌟Green Team NexTrex Challenge
🌟PTA News
🌟Weekly Family Resource
🌟The Positivity Project
🌟Limited Early Release Mondays for Elementary Schools
🌟Procedures for Joining Your Child for Lunch
🌟Student Birthday Policy
🌟School Meals and Free/Reduced Lunch Applications
🌟FCPS News
🌟Save the Date
Principal's MessageDear Shrevewood Families,
What an incredible week of learning and discovery our students experienced!
Our 5th grade students soared to new heights at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum this week. One student shared that his favorite part was the experience of stepping inside and exploring the cockpit of a real airplane! This immersive experience sparked curiosity and inspired future innovators.
Meanwhile, our 4th grade students traveled back in time to Jamestown and Yorktown. They experienced firsthand the challenges and triumphs of early settlers and the brave soldiers who fought for independence. This journey into the past provided invaluable context for their social studies curriculum, making history tangible and memorable.
These field trips are a testament to our commitment to providing rich, engaging learning experiences that extend beyond the classroom walls. We believe in fostering a love of learning through hands-on exploration and discovery, and these trips were a resounding success. Thank you to all of our parent volunteers who chaperoned these trips too!
Looking ahead, we hope to see you at our PTA Movie Night tomorrow (Friday) evening and our PTA Meeting on Tuesday evening.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We are so proud of our students and grateful for the vibrant community that makes our school so special.
Katie Vandawalker, Principal
Dan Reichard, Assistant Principal
SCA Food DriveShrevewood’s Student Council Association (SCA) will be running a Food Drive from March 10-21, and we need your support! Food items will be collected in four locations within the school and donated to Food For Others Give Food - Food for Others Website. SCA has a schoolwide goal of collecting 571 lbs. of food to represent 1 lb. per student attending our school. If we attain our goal, we will celebrate with a school dance party! The following items are recommended as most needed by Food for Others: canned meat, canned tomato products, spaghetti sauce (no glass containers, please), Chef Boyardee, rice, macaroni and cheese, chili, and beef stew.
Give Your Kids a Strong Start: Apply for Early Childhood Education ProgramsFCPS Pre-K and Early Head Start programs provide a high-quality early learning experience for qualifying children with economic and educational risk factors ages 6 weeks to 4 years living in Fairfax County.
Pre-K prioritizes 4-year-old applicants but also accepts applications for children 3 years old by September 30. Early Head Start is located at three elementary schools — Clearview, Crestwood, and Dogwood — and accepts applications from expectant mothers and for children 6 weeks to 2 years old.
Families are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, however, space is limited and provided based on need, not “first come, first serve.” Applications are accepted online, by email, by postal mail, or in person at our office at 7423 Camp Alger Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia 22042.
If you have a question about the application process or status, please call 703-208-7900 (English) or 703-208-7901 (Spanish).
Purchase Purple Up! Day GearApril is the Month of the Military Child, a time to honor and celebrate the resilience, courage, and contributions of FCPS military-connected children.
To show our support, FCPS will celebrate Purple Up! Day on Wednesday, April 9, 2025. Please note that this date has been adjusted to align with our spring break schedule. On this day, school staff and students are encouraged to wear purple, symbolizing unity and support for military families across all service branches.
Purchase the FCPS Purple Up! T-shirt and/or hoodie between now and March 7 to wear on Purple Up! Day!
2025 Family SummitThe 2025 Family Summit will occur on Saturday, March 15, from 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. at South Lakes High School. This in-person event will feature an opening session led by Doctors Julie Causton and Kristie Pretti-Frontczak. They will share information and resources with our parents and families around inclusive schooling. Our afternoon will consist of two breakout session rotations in which we will have about 20 different options for our families to participate. Topics range from IEP Processes to UDL to College and Career Readiness. In addition, we will have a Student Showcase and an Exhibitor Hall. This summit, Beyond Labels: Nurturing a Culture of Belonging, aims to provide information and resources that will benefit all families.
You can find additional details at the Family Summit website.
Religious Accommodation RequestThroughout the year, as we celebrate and recognize various cultural holidays and observances, families are encouraged to contact Mr. Reichard ([email protected]) regarding accommodations, including but not limited to those concerning lunch, prayer/meditation and silent reflection spaces and times, and instruction.
Student Fasting Meal Kits for February 28 - March 28The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has issued a new, first-time waiver allowing students fasting during the school day from February 28 to March 28, 2025, to request take-home breakfast and lunch meal kits. The Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) will provide meal kits reflecting the school menu. Meals will be kept cold and must be heated at home.
Students may claim one breakfast and one lunch kit per day. If a student purchases breakfast or lunch at school, they cannot pick up a kit that day. Meal kits must be picked up by students at the end of the school day—adults cannot collect them. Parents or guardians must submit a weekly request form via the FCPS FNS website by the deadlines:
- February 24, 2025, for February 28 and the week of March 3, 2025
- March 3, 2025, for the week of March 10, 2025
- March 10, 2025, for the week of March 17, 2025
- March 17, 2025, for the week of March 24, 2025
Forms must be submitted on time to receive meal kits for the following week.
K-12 Mathematics Basal Public ReviewFairfax County Public Schools will adopt new Mathematics Instructional Resources for the 2025-2026 (secondary) and 2026-2027 (elementary) school years. A review committee composed of community members, administrators, and teachers will be meeting to review materials submitted by vendors. The public is also invited to review materials and provide comments.
Mathematics basal instructional resources may be accessed in-person and online from February 14, 2025, – March 21, 2025, for public feedback. Those reviewing instructional materials in-person or on-line will give feedback via a digital input form.
Hard copies of instructional materials will be available for review at the Willow Oaks Welcome Center Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Note: If review hours are needed outside of these hours, please email [email protected].
FCPS Administrative Building 8270 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr., Suite 100, Falls Church, VA 22031
Electronic materials for public review will be available on the FCPS Mathematics web site.
All community feedback will be shared with the review committee and with School Board members before a vote at the School Board regular meeting in 2025.
Middle School Transition Fair for Elementary and Middle School Students in Special Education SWES Kindergarten Orientation 🧸 Kindergarten Registration: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3…There’s an easy five-step process for parents wanting to register their child for kindergarten:
- Determine eligibility.
- Identify your local school.
- Gather documents.
- Fill out forms.
- Schedule an appointment.
Read more about the registration process. For additional information, please contact Allyson Brink, our school registrar, at [email protected] or (703)645-6602.
💻 Try Online Registration
Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process.
When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account.
Magnet School Application and Lottery InformationThe Magnet Program registration window will open Tuesday, March 4, 2025, and close Friday, April 4, 2025. No late applications are accepted.
Techstravaganza 2025 Green Team NexTrex ChallengePlease continue to send STRETCHY PLASTICS to school with your children! Ask your family and friends to collect with you!
We have collected almost 200 lbs., and we have 800 lbs. to collect to reach our goal of 1000 lbs. before October 31. If we reach our goal, we will receive a special new bench made of recycled plastics!!
As our Green Team likes to say, “Go Green – Go Clean – Shrevewood Owls on the Scene!”
PTA NEWS🍿 PTA Movie Night 🍿
Movie night is tomorrow - 3/7! Doors open at 5:45 p.m., and the movie starts promptly at 6 p.m. If you are available to help with concessions during the movie, please sign up here.
🌯 Dining4Dollars 🌯
Our next Dining4Dollars event is Wednesday, March 19th, at Chipotle in Mosaic! Order online with code G8BK6WG or show the flyer in-store!
Weekly Family ResourceYou might have seen our March Mathness challenge for our students where each classroom is competing to complete the most number of puzzles on ST Math this March to earn the chance to play Mrs. Vandawalker and Mr. Reichard in a basketball game! We encourage you to check out the wealth of math resources for parents that can be found on the ST Math website:
The Positivity ProjectNext week, our school community will be reviewing several character strengths: cheering for others, love, humility, love of learning, and gratitude.
To practice and encourage these character strengths at home, please visit The Positivity Project’s mobile-friendly P2 for Families (available in English and Spanish), where you will watch a video together and discuss a quote and three questions.
Limited Early Release Mondays for Elementary SchoolsThe Early Release Mondays planned throughout the school year for elementary schools are essential to allow educators time for planning and professional development. Students will be dismissed three hours early seven times throughout the school year and are encouraged to return home via their normal route. However, we understand there may be a childcare hardship because of the early release Mondays for many of our families. To resolve these concerns, student supervision will be available for families who need it.
The following dates are planned for Early Release Mondays throughout the school year:
- September 23
- October 28
- December 9
- February 24
- March 17
- April 28
- May 19
Additional information can be found on the FCPS Early Release Mondays webpage. If you have immediate questions, please email [email protected].
Procedures for Joining Your Child for Lunch- Enter at Door 1 and report to the Main Office.
- Using a government issued photo ID, sign-in and receive a visitor sticker.
- Wear the visitor sticker at all times.
- Report directly to the cafeteria.
- Enjoy lunch with your child(ren).
- Return to the main office to check-out using your visitor sticker.
- Please don't visit the classroom or recess, so our daily schedule and routines can continue without interruption for our students.
- Please do not bring fast food for lunch.
- Please do NOT bring any food to share with other children due to safety protocols and allergies.
As an administrative team and school, we will be recognizing and honoring our students' birthdays monthly. For the safety of all students and staff in our building and to limit the amount of classroom disruptions, please do not send in food or toys for your child's birthday.
AttendanceOur goal is to partner with families to help minimize the number of days students are absent. Getting your student into the habit of daily attendance helps reduce stress and makes it easier to connect with friends and teachers. We understand that each year presents different extenuating circumstances that lead to missed days. However, we hope to increase communication in regards to absences to reduce impact on your child’s well-being. FCPS has created a Health Flyer for Parents indicating when a parent should keep their child home from school. Please review FCPS Attendance Policies and resources to encourage regular school attendance.
Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, parents/legal guardians can report up to two consecutive absences through SIS ParentVUE. Learn more about attendance reporting through ParentVUE HERE. Families can also report absences by emailing [email protected] or calling 703-645-6666 before 10:00 a.m. each day.
Schoology/ParentVUEStudents, families, and staff throughout FCPS and in our school community will use Schoology (pronounced /SKOO-luh-jee/) as our learning management system. Here is what you need to know:
You need a SIS/ParentVUE account to log in to Schoology.
- Use your SIS/ParentVUE login information to log in to Schoology. Look for the FCPS logo to make sure you are on the right login page.
- Learn more about Schoology
- Schoology Snippets (short videos on how to navigate Schoology)
- The Schoology Parent Resource Kit
- More information for families, including resetting passwords and to request technical support
- Students use their regular FCPS login information to log in. Student resources for Schoology
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast will be $1.75. Lunch will be $3.25, milk $0.60. Money can be added to your child(ren)’s accounts using You may also write a check to Shrevewood Food Services and deliver it to our Food Services Manager. During the school year, you can find the menu for breakfast and lunch at
Free and Reduced-Price Status
Students eligible for free or reduced-price meals will continue to receive these benefits through the end of September. A new application must be completed each new school year. Forms are available online now: Applications are accepted at any time, but we encourage you to apply or renew your application before the end of September. Call (703) 813-4800 if you need help. This application must be completed for eligible students to receive free meals.
FCPS NewsIn case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
- A Strong Academic Foundation
- 70th Annual Regional Science Fair
- New Breakfast Options
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.
Save the Date ⭐PTA Movie Night⭐Friday, March 7, at 5:45 p.m. in the cafeteria
⭐PTA Meeting⭐Tuesday, March 11, at 7:00 p.m. in the library
⭐Spring Pictures⭐Friday, March 14
⭐3 Hour Early Release⭐Monday, March 17
⭐PTA Dining4Dollars Event⭐Wednesday, March 19 at Chipotle
⭐End of 3rd Quarter⭐Friday, March 28
⭐Eid-al-Fitr Holiday⭐Monday, March 31
(No school for students or staff)
⭐Kindergarten Orientation⭐Tuesday, April 1, at 9:30 a.m.
Click here for the 2024-2025 FCPS School CalendarEnglish | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو
7525 Shreve Road, Falls Church, VA 22043 | Main Office: 703-645-6600
Attendance: 703-645-6666 | Web | Facebook | Instagram